
Social Media

Przełącznik języków

SNG Radio License

I. The President of Office of Electronic Communications, by means of a decision, upon a request of an interested entity, may authorize temporary use of radio equipment in order to ensure occasional transfer of information for the period not longer than 30 days.

This type license for temporary use is usually granted for radio stations that support short
duration events (congress, shows, exhibitions, sport activities, etc).

The whole procedure in six steps is as follow:

1. Fill the Temporary radio use SNG satellite earth station - application form

The application for temporary Licensing of a radio station should be submitted to Office of
Electronic Communications at least 20 days prior to the date on which it is proposed the license should come into force.

Application form for SNG signed by person authorized to represent the Company plus extract from appropriate Register (copy) to confirm representation of the facts.

2. Find and prepare Declaration of conformity or Certificate

Other document confirming compliance with electrical and EMC standards will be accepted.
Get the agreement with satellite operator for usage of their satellite transponder/equipment (optional)

Statement that agreement is concluded will be also accepted.

3. Make a payment for license

Payment information is presented below.

4. Make a payment for frequency

Below You will find information about frequency fee.

5. Send by post all documents

Filled Application form for SNG, Declaration of conformity or Certificate, payment for decision and payment for frequency should be sent to:

If time to consider application is very short please send an application and attachments and
also payment confirmation as soon as possible by fax on the following number:

+48 22 5349 175.

The radio-license will be sent to you by fax, e-mail and the original document will be sent by post.

(Caution during paying – there are two different account numbers)

I. License fee, Decision/permission fee – stamp duty fee (*)

82,- PLN (eighty two zlotych)

Account owner:

Urząd Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy
Centrum Obsługi Podatnika
ul. Obozowa 57
01-161 Warszawa

Account number:

Bank Handlowy w Warszawie SA
Swift code: CITIPLPX
PL 21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070
IBAN = PL21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070

Note: The cost of the transfer will be borne by the applicant.
(*) - equivalent of PLN according to NBP exchange rate (

II. Frequency fee

An entity that has received the right to use a frequency subject to a general exclusive frequency license shall pay annual fees for the right to use this frequency.
For the assignment of frequencies the fees are levied as set out in the current version of the frequency fee ordinance – Ordinance of the council of ministers of 18 December 2013 on the
annual fees for the right to use the frequency and also The Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law.

Please use the SNG Frequency fee calculator to determine the fees you may have to pay for using the frequency.

Note: The cost of the transfer will be borne by the applicant.

Account owner:

Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej
ul. Giełdowa 7/9
01-211 Warszawa

Account number:

Narodowy Bank Polski Oddział w Warszawie
PL 75 1010 1010 0060 4422 3100 0000
Swift code: NBPL PLPW
IBAN = PL75 1010 1010 0060 4422 3100 0000

Pliki do pobrania

Pobierz wszystkie załączniki Pobierz wszystkie załączniki w formacie .zip

Podmiot udostępniający informację: Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej
Osoba odpowiedzialna: Andrzej Golec
Osoba publikująca informację: Wojciech Gunia
Osoba modyfikująca informację: Paweł Deoniziak
Data publikacji: 27.01.2023 12:10
Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 23.08.2024 12:28