Fees for testing non-compliant products

  1. Where a product has been found not to comply or to present a risk, the test fees shall be borne by the economic operator who has placed the product on the market or put it into service. 

The fees shall be determined by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications, who incurred the costs of the tests, in the form of a resolution, against which a complaint may be lodged.
The fees shall be determined on the basis of justified costs incurred in connection with the testing of the product.

  1. Where it is found that an energy-related product does not comply with the requirements set out in the label or in the product information sheet, testing and documentation assessment fees shall be borne by the supplier.

The fees shall be determined by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications, who has borne the costs of the tests, in the form of a decision, against which an appeal may be lodged.
The fees shall be determined on the basis of the costs incurred in connection with the testing of an energy-related product and the assessment of its documentation.

Entity providing information: Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej
Responsible person: Marcin Dec
Person publishing the information: Wojciech Gunia
Publication date: 08.04.2020 11:38