Financial penalties

  1. Financial penalty for placing non-compliant products on the market, imposed on economic operators (manufacturer, authorised representative of the manufacturer, importer, distributor) participating in making the products available, and its amount has been determined in a quota - depending on the act (type of requirement or the infringed obligation of the economic operator).

Maximum amount of the penalty: up to PLN 100 000.

Financial penalty for preventing or hindering the President of UKE from carrying out an inspection, imposed on economic operators (manufacturer, authorised representative of the manufacturer, importer, distributor) participating in making the products available and on entrepreneurs who are users of the products.

Maximum penalty: up to PLN 30 000.

Financial penalties are imposed by the President of UKE, by means of an administrative decision.

  1. Financial penalty for failure to comply with energy labelling obligations by suppliers and vendors.

The amount of the penalty: from one to ten times the average monthly salary in the national economy for the preceding year.

Financial penalty for preventing or hindering the President of UKE from carrying out an inspection.

The amount of the penalty: from one to ten times the average monthly salary in the national economy for the preceding year.

Penalty for the failure of the supplier or vendor to comply with the President’s of UKE decision.

The amount of the penalty: from two to ten times the average monthly salary in the national economy for the preceding year.

Financial penalties are imposed by the President of UKE, by means of an administrative decision.

Entity providing information: Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej
Responsible person: Marcin Dec
Person publishing the information: Wojciech Gunia
Publication date: 08.04.2020 11:37